5 Top Mostly Followed Web Design Blogs

In the digital age, the importance of web design cannot be overstated. It acts as the linchpin that holds a brand’s online presence together, often making the difference between a user staying on a site or leaving prematurely. The world of web design continues its relentless evolution, shaped by emerging technologies, user preferences, and innovative design philosophies. Whether you’re a seasoned designer, a newcomer eager to dip your toes into the vast ocean of web aesthetics, or a business aiming to stay on the cutting edge of digital presentation, it’s vital to keep abreast of the latest trends and techniques. Enter the universe of web design blogs: your trusted companions in this journey.

Here’s a guide to the crème de la crème of these repositories, ensuring you’re always one step ahead in the dynamic realm of web design.

Smashing Magazine: A Closer Look


Since its inception, Smashing Magazine has risen from a humble blog to a veritable giant in the digital world, consistently offering knowledge and expertise on the intricate art of web design and development.

Content Diversity

What they offer: At the core of Smashing Magazine’s offerings is a rich tapestry of extensive articles that range from beginner-friendly introductions to deep-dives into complex subjects. Whether you’re curious about the latest in responsive design, eager to grasp the nuances of CSS grid, or seeking knowledge about web performance, Smashing has you covered.

Beyond their staple articles, they also furnish an impressive array of e-books. These delve into niche subjects, catering to those who seek concentrated, topic-specific insights. Meanwhile, their workshops and webinars serve as hands-on learning platforms, inviting enthusiasts to engage in live, interactive sessions.

Meticulous Exploration

Why we love them: Smashing’s approach is what truly sets it apart. They don’t just scratch the surface of a topic; they excavate it. With a mix of tutorials, case studies, and reviews, they present a multifaceted view of the subject at hand. For example, while a tutorial might guide you through a specific technique, a case study could offer a real-world application of that technique, allowing you to see its benefits and potential pitfalls.

Their content is crafted meticulously, with each article or resource aiming to answer not just the ‘what,’ but the profound ‘why’ behind it. This in-depth approach ensures that readers don’t just learn to replicate processes, but truly understand the underlying principles.

Conferences: A Meeting of Minds

Deep Dive: While the written word is powerful, there’s something magical about collective learning, and Smashing Magazine understands this perfectly. Their conference videos and talks are more than mere lectures. They’re collaborative events that draw together leading voices from the world of web design and development.

Led by industry stalwarts, these sessions delve into cutting-edge trends, tools, and methodologies. Whether it’s an exploration into the depths of user experience design, a discourse on the future of web animations, or a panel discussion on accessibility, attendees and viewers are assured a treasure trove of insights on all web design blogs.

Furthermore, these conferences often spur discussions, fostering a sense of community. They become melting pots of diverse perspectives, ensuring that knowledge isn’t just passed from the expert to the audience, but also exchanged amongst peers.

A List Apart: The Scholar of Web Design Blogs


Amidst the dynamic waves of the digital realm, where trends can change at the drop of a hat, A List Apart stands tall as a beacon of deep thought and scholarly reflection. Renowned for its profound influence on web professionals, the platform commands respect not just for its longevity but for the depth, clarity, and rigor of its content.

Rich and Comprehensive Content

What they offer: A List Apart has consistently showcased the value of long-form articles in an age of fleeting attention spans. These pieces are more than just extended write-ups; they are methodically researched, thoughtfully structured, and often brimming with references that provide readers a panoramic view of the subject.

Apart from articles, A List Apart provides a platform for discussions, allowing the community to deliberate, dissect, and contribute to the evolving discourse. Their curated books cater to those who seek a deep dive into specific areas of web design, offering comprehensive knowledge. Their events often bring together the best minds in the industry, facilitating networking, knowledge-sharing, and sparking collaborative efforts.

A Confluence of Disciplines

Why we love them: A List Apart is more than just a blog or a magazine; it’s a nexus. Their strength lies in examining the delicate dance between web design, development, and user experience. Instead of treating these domains as silos, A List Apart identifies and dissects the overlaps, the contradictions, and the synergies.

The content is reminiscent of academic papers, characterized by a rigorous approach that’s both critical and expansive. They do not shy away from challenging popular opinions or highlighting uncharted territories in the digital landscape.

Shaping the Responsive Revolution

Deep Dive: One cannot discuss A List Apart without acknowledging their instrumental role in revolutionizing web design. The term “Responsive Web Design” (RWD), now a staple in every web developer’s lexicon, was introduced to the world by Ethan Marcotte in an article on A List Apart. This methodology, which emphasizes fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, has fundamentally changed the way designers approach multi-device web design.

Marcotte’s series on the subject, which expounds upon the principles and practical applications of RWD, is a must-read for any budding web designer. It underscores A List Apart commitment to being at the forefront of thought leadership, and their prowess in identifying, nurturing, and disseminating game-changing ideas.

Web Designer Depot


In the vast panorama of design-centric platforms, Web Designer Depot (WDD) strikes a chord for its harmony between creativity, knowledge, and community. A pulsating hub for designers across the spectrum, WDD seamlessly blends the artistic with the informative, making it a favored destination for design enthusiasts worldwide.

A Palette of Offerings

What they offer: At the heart of WDD is its treasure trove of articles. These range from quick reads highlighting design trends to comprehensive explorations of design theories and techniques. But articles are just the tip of the iceberg.

For designers keen on tangible tools and resources, WDD’s freebies are akin to a goldmine. From UI kits to icon sets, these resources expedite the design process, ensuring designers have more time to focus on creativity.

With the digital space rapidly evolving, staying updated is imperative. WDD’s dedicated segment on UX design news ensures readers are always in the loop, offering insights into the latest tools, updates, and industry shifts. And for those who process information visually, the platform’s infographics distill complex data into digestible, visual narratives, making learning both engaging and effective.

A Tapestry of Design Wisdom

Why we love them: WDD’s charm lies in its inclusivity. It doesn’t pigeonhole itself into catering to just one segment of the design community. Whether you’re a newbie seeking foundational knowledge or a veteran designer scouting for advanced techniques and inspirations, WDD has something in store.

Their expansive content library delves into diverse topics, from typography and color theory to web accessibility and design ethics. This holistic approach ensures that readers gain a well-rounded understanding, equipping them to tackle real-world design challenges effectively.

Blending Humor with Insight

Deep Dive: In a space often dominated by technical jargon and intricate methodologies, WDD introduces a breath of fresh air with its ‘Comics of the Week’ section. This unique segment marries humor with education, proving that learning can be both fun and impactful.

Each comic strip, often crafted with a witty undertone, throws light on various facets of the design world. Be it the quirks of client interactions, the ever-present debate between designers and developers, or the humorous side of design trends, these comics offer a light-hearted reprieve, all while imparting valuable insights.

CSS-Tricks For Web Design Blogs


In the dense forest of web design inspiration and development resources, CSS-Tricks emerges as an age-old oak, rooted deeply in expertise and branching out into various facets of digital craftsmanship. What started ostensibly as a blog focused on CSS has morphed into a veritable encyclopedia for all things about web design blogs posts and coding knowledge for development.

Varied and Valuable Content

What they offer: The versatility of CSS-Tricks’ content is nothing short of remarkable. Their articles, often penned by seasoned professionals, tackle everything from the nitty-gritty of CSS and JavaScript to broader topics such as user experience, web performance, and even the business side of web design.

Beyond the written word, CSS-Tricks acknowledges the growing appetite for visual learning by offering a collection of videos. These tutorials and walkthroughs serve as visual guides, assisting both novices and experts in mastering complex web concepts.

The almanac stands out as one of the platform’s crowning jewels. Acting as a dynamic reference guide, it meticulously catalogs CSS properties and values, making it an indispensable tool for developers seeking quick clarifications or refreshers.

With code snippets, CSS-Tricks ensures that theory is complemented by practical examples, allowing users to both understand and implement the knowledge they gain. Finally, the community forum fosters interaction, collaboration, and peer-to-peer learning, cementing the platform’s ethos of shared growth.

Beyond the Name

Why we love them: While ‘CSS-Tricks’ may suggest a singular focus, the platform defies this expectation splendidly. It’s not just about CSS, nor is it merely about ‘tricks’. The platform dives deep, offering insights, tutorials, and free design resources that span the entirety of the web design and development ecosystem. This holistic approach ensures that subscribers cultivate a comprehensive skill set, making them adept at tackling multifaceted web projects.

The Almanac: A Developer’s Compass

Deep Dive: For many developers, the CSS-Tricks ‘Almanac’ is akin to a trusted mentor. Organized alphabetically, this extensive guide demystifies CSS properties and values. Each entry elaborates on the property’s function, its potential values, and often provides practical examples showcasing its application.

But the Almanac’s brilliance doesn’t end at mere definitions. It often delves into best practices, potential pitfalls, and compatibility considerations, ensuring developers wield CSS with both confidence and competence. This meticulous approach transforms the Almanac from a mere reference tool to a comprehensive learning companion.

Creative Bloq: A Pantheon of Design Wisdom


Amid the ever-evolving landscape of design, Creative Bloq emerges as a lighthouse for both budding designers and seasoned professionals. Distinguished by its commitment to holistic design education, it offers an expansive view of the design world, from the digital threads of web design to the tangible textures of graphic art and the immersive realms of 3D modeling.

Diverse and Dynamic Content

What they offer: Creative Bloq’s content is emblematic of a vibrant palette, with each hue representing a facet of design. Their articles span a spectrum of topics, often punctuated with expert insights, real-world examples, and actionable advice. Whether you’re exploring the nuances of typography, the latest trends in UI/UX, or the intricacies of digital illustration, Creative Bloqs serves as a knowledgeable web design blogs guide.

Beyond enlightening articles, the platform is a boon for design enthusiasts seeking tangible recommendations. Their buying guides meticulously curate the best tools, gadgets, and software for designers, backed by comprehensive research and unbiased reviews. For those in two minds about investing in a design tool, the platform’s reviews offer a deep dive into features, usability, pros, cons, and everything in between, ensuring informed decisions.

Lastly, their insights into software stand as a testament to Creative Bloq’s finger on the pulse of technological advancements. From updates on industry-standard tools like Adobe Creative Suite to emerging platforms that promise to reshape design workflows, these insights empower designers to harness technology effectively.

A Global View of Design

Why we love them: At its core, Creative Bloq is not just about tools or techniques but about the expansive universe of design. What truly sets it apart is its willingness to traverse beyond the digital corridors of web design. The platform celebrates graphic design in all its forms, delves into the mesmerizing world of 3D modeling, and even explores the intersections of art, technology, and culture.

This comprehensive approach fosters a broader understanding of design, encouraging readers to draw inspiration from multiple domains and cultivate a multifaceted skill set.

A Compass for Web Design Tools

Deep Dive: Each year, designers eagerly await Creative Bloq’s “Top Design Tools” roundup. This annual feature is not merely a list but a culmination of extensive research, hands-on testing, and community feedback.

By spotlighting the best software across categories—be it for vector design, digital painting, 3D modeling, or animation—the roundup serves as a compass for designers navigating the vast sea of tools. The insights provided here are not just about which tools are popular, but about their unique strengths, learning curves, and how they fit into different design workflows.


In the dynamic world of web design, staying updated is crucial. Web design blogs like Smashing Magazine, A List Apart, Web Designer Depot, Digital Digest, and Creative Bloq stand out as trusted guides. Each offers its unique blend of insights, from detailed tutorials to industry trends. Embracing these resources equates to continuous learning in design, ensuring professionals and enthusiasts alike remain at the forefront of digital innovation. In essence, these blogs are more than just reading material; they are essential companions for anyone passionate about the digital design landscape.

Image source: Freepik